Year 6 Class

Welcome to Year 6

Year 6 is made up of two classes: Poplar and Sycamore.


Miss Simmons and Mr Caffrey teach Poplar Class and Mr Staveley teaches Sycamore Class.


We also have four fantastic teaching assistants in the year 6 team: Mrs Graham, Miss Prior, Mrs McDougall and Mrs Rees.


Miss Simmons:

Mr Caffrey:

Mr Staveley:


In both classes, PE is taught on Thursday.


However, please ensure that your child has their PE kit in school every day to ensure your child can take part in additional sessions and activities.



Homework is set each Friday to be handed in by the following Wednesday. Homework tasks are stuck into children’s homework books, but they can also be found in the Homework Box below.


Children also have access to Mathletics, TTR, Active Learn, Oddizzi and Purple Mash.


We are a reading school and actively encourage reading throughout the week. As well as the reading pupils enjoy at school, we would also like children to read each night and for an adult to sign their reading record once a week to say they have.


Spelling lists can be found in the front of children’s homework books as well as in the Spelling Box below. Children should learn all 10 spellings and explore the spelling pattern set as part of the homework. Spelling tests will take place every Wednesday where children will be tested on the 10 spellings from their list as well as 5 bonus spellings (words containing the week’s spelling pattern).

Class Documents

Document Name Date
Homework - TTR Parent Guide.pdfSeptember 20 2024, 11:10:15
WRM calculation policy 2024 Year 6(1).pdfOctober 10 2024, 08:54:39
Website - Parent Resources from White Rose and TTR.pdfOctober 10 2024, 10:00:18
Y6 Maths Scheme of Learning Small Steps Autumn.pdfOctober 10 2024, 08:54:39
Y6 Maths Yearly Overview WR.pdfOctober 10 2024, 09:11:37
Y6 learning journey overview.pdfJanuary 30 2025, 11:49:41
year 6 forest School.pdfOctober 03 2024, 09:06:59

Homework Box

Document Name Date
7.3.25.pdfMarch 07 2025, 14:41:59
Home Learning White Rose Maths.docxFebruary 10 2025, 10:04:44
Poplar Comprehension Hwk 28.2.25.pdfFebruary 28 2025, 16:43:20
SPR1 week3.docxJanuary 24 2025, 11:35:43
Sycamore Grammar Hwk 28.2.25.pdfFebruary 27 2025, 10:29:23

Spellings Box

Document Name Date
Autumn 1 - Spellings.pdfJanuary 06 2022, 14:40:13
Autumn 2 - Spellings.pdfJanuary 06 2022, 14:40:13
Spring 1 - Spellings.pdfJanuary 06 2022, 14:40:13
Spring 2 - Spellings.pdfJanuary 06 2022, 14:40:13
Summer 1 - Spellings.pdfJanuary 06 2022, 14:40:13
Summer 2 - Spellings.pdfJanuary 06 2022, 14:40:13
The School

Tel: 01723 863 489



Denison Avenue



North Yorkshire

YO12 4QX

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