EYFS Class

Welcome to EYFS

Our Foundation Stage is made up of two classes.


Mrs Fee is the Holly Class Teacher.


Mrs Ottaway (Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday morning) and Mrs Donald (Wednesday afternoon, Thursday and Friday) are the Cherry Class Teachers.


All of the children are supported by all the EYFS teachers and our team of teaching assistants. Our terrific teaching assistants are Miss Sellers, Miss Campbell, Mrs Deighton, Miss Rank, Miss Bassett, Mrs Brining and Miss Rogers.


We have three spaces for learning: two indoor classrooms and one outdoor classroom. The children can move freely from one area to another and access the resources found there.


Mrs Fee: nfee@seamerirton.n-yorks.sch.uk

Mrs Ottaway: cottaway@seamerirton.n-yorks.sch.uk

Mrs Donald: fdonald@seamerirton.n-yorks.sch.uk


PE is taught on a Wednesday. Please ensure your child has their named PE kit in school all week and it will be sent home every half term to be washed.


Every Friday the children will bring their home activity book home. The weekly activity should be completed by the following Wednesday. The activities are designed to reinforce the learning taking place in the classroom.


We are a reading school. We love reading and surround our children with stories and books throughout the school day. We expect the children to read their own school reading book to an adult at least three times a week, alongside a bedtime story each night. Books will be changed once a week.

Outdoor learning

Children have access to the outdoor classroom every day and enjoy Forest School sessions regularly. Please send a pair of wellies to be kept in school all the time, for these outdoor adventures. We go outside whatever the weather therefore children need to bring a named coat every day.


For all the latest information and photographs, please follow us on Twitter: @hollyeyfs  @cherryeyfs

Class Documents

Document Name Date
Autumn 1 .pdfJuly 05 2023, 15:19:13
Autumn 2 .pdfOctober 25 2023, 13:38:05
EYFS learning journey overview.pdfApril 11 2024, 10:54:23
Spring 1(1).pdfJanuary 11 2024, 12:52:59
Spring 2.pdfFebruary 07 2024, 13:37:28
Summer 1 Growing Up.pdfApril 09 2024, 09:57:21
Summer 2 Seaside Stories.pdfJune 15 2023, 14:43:57
The School

Tel: 01723 863 489



Denison Avenue



North Yorkshire

YO12 4QX

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