Mental Health and Wellbeing
Mental Health and Wellbeing at Seamer & Irton CP School
Here at Seamer & Irton CP School we take everyone’s mental health and wellbeing very seriously and are constantly looking to expand the ways in which we can support and promote all stakeholders’ wellbeing, be it the pupils, their parents / carers or the staff themselves.
We have developed a policy for the Mental Health and Wellbeing of all of those involved with Seamer and Irton CP School which can be found on our policy page. In the annexe section towards the end of the policy, we have signposted pupils, parents / carers and teachers towards helpful resources where help can be accessed if needed.
We have a wide range of help available in school for pupils. This can be accessed through a number of routes: asking the class teacher or teaching assistant, post in the classroom ‘worry box’ or by approaching one of the people pictured above.
Some of the different tools we use to support children in school are:
Talk Mats - These have proven to be very effective in encouraging children to discuss their worries and anxieties. Using a selection of carefully sourced pictures chosen by the adult, children grade the subjects according to whether they make them happy, they’re not sure about them, or they make them sad.
Rising Stars Wellbeing and Attitudes to Learning - This is a pupil questionnaire which identifies specific areas that are causing distress, and helps us to identify targeted support.
iCATS - In participation with the University of Oxford, we are taking part in a trial, currently only available in Year 4, with the aim of ‘improving Child Anxiety Through Schools’. If the trials are successful, we will be in a prime position to roll this out across the whole school as we know anxiety has a major impact upon primary aged children.
Immediate access to suitably trained staff - Here at Seamer & Irton CP School we have staff onsite who are trained to support children’s mental health and wellbeing in specific areas, such as bereavement, self-esteem, anxiety and body image.
Useful Links for Children
Useful Links for Parents/Carers
• I'm a parent or carer - The Go-To | Mental Health in North Yorkshire
• MindEd
• Mental Health Support in North Yorkshire
• Place2Be
• Mind
Additional Links for Staff