School Policies

As of 1/9/23, Mr Robert Webb (headteacher) assumes all responsibilities attributed to Jonathan Wanless in the policies below.

School Policies

Document Name Date
AUP-Parents.pdfDecember 10 2023, 10:56:16
Accessibility Plan.pdfApril 03 2024, 15:56:44
Admissions Policy and Statisitics.pdfSeptember 21 2023, 15:12:01
Anti-bullying Policy.pdfFebruary 12 2024, 12:08:17
Attendance Policy.pdfMarch 15 2024, 12:07:40
BusyAnt Maths Calculations Policy.pdfNovember 28 2021, 15:25:18
Charging and Remissions Policy.pdfFebruary 12 2024, 12:08:17
Child Protection Manual.pdfMay 23 2024, 14:49:05
Child Protection Policy 2023 - 2024.pdfOctober 09 2023, 12:09:36
Children With Health Needs Who Cannot Attend School.pdfApril 03 2024, 15:56:56
Collecting Children from School Policy.pdfMay 08 2024, 17:31:35
Collective Worship Policy.pdfMay 08 2024, 17:31:35
Communication Policy.pdfApril 03 2024, 15:57:26
Complaints 2023 (1).pdfJune 23 2023, 16:27:35
Curriculum Policy 2023.pdfJanuary 30 2023, 14:54:08
EYFS Policy.pdfFebruary 12 2024, 12:08:17
Educational Visits Policy.pdfMay 08 2024, 17:31:35
English Policy.pdfMay 08 2024, 17:31:35
Equality Information Policy and Statement.pdfApril 03 2024, 15:57:17
Fire Safety Policy.pdfDecember 10 2023, 10:56:16
Health & Safety Policy.pdfDecember 10 2023, 10:56:16
Home-School Agreement.pdfMay 08 2024, 17:31:35
Homework Policy 2023.pdfJune 05 2023, 14:05:43
Intimate care policy 2022-24 (V1).pdfJune 24 2022, 15:42:05
Looked After and Previously Looked After Children Policy.pdfJanuary 12 2023, 14:43:12
Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing Policy (1).pdfFebruary 12 2024, 12:09:34
Mobile Phone and Smart Tech Policy.pdfJanuary 06 2023, 12:00:57
Online Safety Policy 2023-24.pdfDecember 01 2023, 11:57:23
Phonics and Early Reading Policy.pdfMay 08 2024, 17:31:35
Positive Behaviour Policy.pdfDecember 14 2023, 19:07:59
Privacy Notice.pdfSeptember 30 2022, 15:20:21
Publication Scheme.pdfDecember 15 2022, 17:31:53
RE Policy.pdfDecember 10 2023, 10:56:16
Relationships and Sex Education Policy.pdfMay 08 2024, 17:31:35
Remote Learning Policy.pdfFebruary 12 2024, 12:08:17
SEND Policy.pdfMay 23 2024, 14:53:32
School Medical Policy.pdfDecember 10 2023, 10:56:16
Science Policy.pdfDecember 10 2023, 10:56:58
Travel plan 2023.pdfJune 05 2023, 14:06:07
Volunteer and Student Placement Policy.pdfSeptember 12 2022, 09:52:56
Whistleblowing Policy.pdfSeptember 26 2022, 12:03:14
X (formerly Twitter) Policy.pdfMay 08 2024, 17:31:35
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