Year 1 Class

Welcome to Year 1

Year 1 is made up of two classes: Willow and Rowan.


Miss Pettinger teaches Willow Class and Mrs Hindle teaches Rowan Class.


We also have seven fantastic teaching assistants in the Year 1 team: Mrs Knight, Mrs Welch, Miss Campbell, Mrs Deighton, Mrs Shaw, Mrs Miller and Miss Basset.


Outdoor learning: Miss Fail teaches in Forestry School every other Monday and Tuesday morning.


During the winter months, children will need wellington boots, hats, scarves and gloves in school. Children spend one, one-hour session in the outdoor/forestry classroom every other week.


Children require a coat every day. We go outside in all weathers!


Miss Pettinger:

Mrs Hindle:


In Year 1, P.E. is taught twice per week. Weather conditions can affect which days this takes place so please ensure that your child has their P.E. kit in school all week.


Every half term, your child will receive a homework matrix. These activities are mostly linked to subjects covered in class. We ask that one task is completed per week (you don’t have to do all six!) and that you initial and date each activity completed. Evidence of homework can be glued into children’s books, photographs tweeted or emailed to us, or items brought into school.

Homework books are collected every Tuesday ready to be given out again on Wednesday.


In Year 1 the children read regularly to adults as part of guided reading and at other times during the week. The children have the opportunity to change their books regularly throughout the week and we encourage the children to read at least 3 times per week at home.

Your child will bring a ‘show off’ book home to read to you at the end of each week. They have read this book in guided reading three times. This is an opportunity for them to read it again with fluency and expression, telling you about the text. This book will need to be returned to school on a Monday morning please.


The spellings will link directly to the phonics scheme ‘Little Wandle.’

We will learn a new set of spellings each week in class and then send these home in Homework Books, so that the children can continue to practise them.

Please help your child to learn to read and spell these words.


For all the latest information and photographs, please follow us on Twitter: @willow_yr1  @rowan_yr1

Class Documents

Document Name Date
WRM calculation policy 2024 Year 1.pdfOctober 10 2024, 09:52:49
Y1 Maths Scheme of Learning Small Steps Autumn.pdfOctober 10 2024, 09:52:49
Y1 learning journey overview.pdfSeptember 17 2024, 14:58:41

Homework Box

No files to show
Document Name Date

Spellings Box

Document Name Date
KS1 common exception words.pdfApril 18 2023, 13:52:24
The School

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