Aims and Ethos

Aims and Ethos: To create a happy school committed to excellence.

We provide all pupils with every opportunity to achieve their full potential.

We ensure a supportive, safe, friendly environment in which everyone is valued and respected.

We expect the highest standards of work and behaviour.

We offer every pupil full and equal access to all areas of the curriculum.

We provide a broad and balanced curriculum for all our pupils, which values and celebrates their diverse backgrounds and needs.

We promote pupil’s self-esteem and emotional wellbeing and help them to form and maintain worthwhile and satisfying relationships, based on respect for themselves and for others, at home, at school and in the wider world.

We value all adults’ and pupils’ contributions to the school’s progress, and celebrate success and achievement in all areas of life.

We prepare each pupil for life beyond school, in a modern, global society.

We promote the following fundamental British values as part of our pupils' spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) education: democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and for those without faith.

The School

Tel: 01723 863 489



Denison Avenue



North Yorkshire

YO12 4QX

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