Curriculum - PSHE & RSE
At Seamer and Irton Community Primary School our PSHE curriculum aims to equip pupils with essential skills for life. It intends to develop the whole child through carefully planned and resourced lessons that develop the knowledge, skills and attributes children need to protect and enhance their wellbeing. Our pupils will learn how to stay safe and healthy through Road Safety Week; Mental Health Awareness Week and Safer Internet Day. Pupils will also learn how to build and maintain successful relationships and become active and responsible citizens through participating in the School Council and taking part in community projects. Our commitment to this area is evidenced by the school’s Healthy School Award, which was obtained in 2020.
Our PSHE curriculum uses the scheme of work provided by Kapow and follows the core themes provided by the PSHE Association Programme of Study: Health and Wellbeing, Relationships and Living in the Wider World. British Values is embedded throughout the PSHE curriculum
Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) is statutory and sits within our PSHE curriculum. RSE teaches pupils about positive relationships, including friendships, family relationships and relationships with other children and adults. Pupils are taught about having respect for others and understanding that families are made up in many ways. Pupils also explore their own emotional and mental wellbeing, whilst also learning about different ways of staying safe, including online. Consent is also taught regularly throughout the curriculum.
Document Name | Date |
PSHE & RSE Long-term curriculum overview.pdf | November 03 2024, 08:59:20 |
PSHE Provision Map.pdf | April 29 2024, 15:32:04 |
RSE & PSHE in EYFS.pdf | October 16 2024, 15:54:17 |
Knowledge Organisers
Document Name | Date |
PSHE Unit 1Y1-Families-And-Relationships-1.pdf | July 17 2023, 13:39:58 |
PSHE Unit 2 Y1-Health-And-Wellbeing.pdf | July 17 2023, 13:40:02 |
PSHE Unit 3 Y1-Safety-And-The-Changing-Body.pdf | July 17 2023, 13:40:05 |
PSHE Unit 4 Y1-Citizenship-1.pdf | July 17 2023, 13:40:09 |
PSHE Unit 5-Y1-Economic-Wellbeing.pdf | July 17 2023, 13:40:12 |
Document Name | Date |
PSHE Unit 1 Y2-Families-And-Relationships.pdf | July 17 2023, 13:40:33 |
PSHE Unit 2 Y2-Health-And-Wellbeing-2.pdf | July 17 2023, 13:40:37 |
PSHE Unit 3 Y2-Safety-And-The-Changing-Body-Final4.pdf | July 17 2023, 13:40:40 |
PSHE Unit 4 -Y2-Citizenship.pdf | July 17 2023, 13:40:43 |
PSHE Unit 5 - Y2 Economic wellbeing.pdf | November 03 2024, 09:00:24 |
Document Name | Date |
PSHE Unit 1 Y3-Families-And-Relationships.pdf | July 17 2023, 13:41:00 |
PSHE Unit 2 Y3-Health-And-Wellbeing-3.pdf | July 17 2023, 13:41:04 |
PSHE Unit 3 Y3-Safety-And-The-Changing-Body-Final.pdf | July 17 2023, 13:41:07 |
PSHE Unit 4 Y3-Citizenship.pdf | July 17 2023, 13:41:11 |
PSHE Unit 5 Y3-Economic-Wellbeing.pdf | November 03 2024, 09:01:23 |
Document Name | Date |
PSHE Unit 1 Y4-Families-And-Relationships.pdf | July 17 2023, 13:41:26 |
PSHE Unit 2 Y4-Health-And-Wellbeing-2.pdf | July 17 2023, 13:41:30 |
PSHE Unit 3 Safety-And-The-Changing-Body-Final2.pdf | July 17 2023, 13:41:33 |
PSHE Unit 4 Y4-Citizenship.pdf | July 17 2023, 13:41:35 |
PSHE Unit 5 Y4-Economic-Wellbeing.pdf | November 03 2024, 09:02:08 |
Document Name | Date |
PSHE Unit 1 Y5-Families-And-Relationships.pdf | July 17 2023, 13:41:50 |
PSHE Unit 2 Y5-Health-And-Wellbeing-3.pdf | July 17 2023, 13:41:54 |
PSHE Unit 3 Safety-And-The-Changing-Body-(Puberty).pdf | July 17 2023, 13:41:57 |
PSHE Unit 4 Y5-Citizenship-1.pdf | July 17 2023, 13:42:01 |
PSHE Unit 5 Y5-Economic-Wellbeing.pdf | July 17 2023, 13:42:04 |
Document Name | Date |
PSHE Unit 1 Y6-Families-And-Relationships-1.pdf | July 17 2023, 13:42:16 |
PSHE Unit 2-Health-And-Wellbeing.pdf | November 03 2024, 09:03:39 |
PSHE Unit 3 Safety-And-The-Changing-Body-RSE and Puberty.pdf | July 17 2023, 13:42:23 |
PSHE Unit 4 Y6-Citizenship.pdf | July 17 2023, 13:42:27 |
PSHE Unit 5 Y6 Economic Wellbeing.pdf | November 03 2024, 09:03:09 |